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Law Firm Website Development: How to Add Content

April 12, 2017
Law Firm Website Development

If you’ve read our guide on SEO for Lawyers, you know that content is king.  It’s what makes your website look authoritative, and it’s how you’ll get to the top of Google’s searches.  If you hire an SEO company specializing in law firm website development, they will likely focus on producing consistent content.

After your firm’s website is up and running, what can you do to add content?  You might have some great ideas for posts or updates, and you may not want to go through your SEO for everything.  In this post, we are going to guide you through the process so you can add to your law firm’s website development whenever you feel like it.

Don’t worry about accidentally ruining your website by clicking on the wrong thing.  It’s pretty difficult to do this, and almost all mistakes with your website are reversible.  And if you read this guide, you should be confident enough to fiddle around with your blog.

Logging In to WordPress

When you’re ready to get started, type your firm’s website into your URL bar, and add “/wp-admin/” after the website name.  For example, since my website is https://smallfirmlegal.wpengine.com, to login I have to go to https://smallfirmlegal.wpengine.com/wp-admin/.  That should get you to a page that looks something like this:

Law Firm Website Login

In order to login, you’ll need your Username and Password from your webmaster.  Type them in and click login, and you’ll get to a page that looks something like this:

Law Firm Website Dashboard

This is called your dashboard.  Here you can see what going on with your site: comments, posts, pageviews, etc.

In the left column, there are a number of areas you can explore within your site.  For our purposes, we’re going to click “posts.”

Law Firm Website Posts

Here you can see all of your firm’s blog’s posts and when they were published.  You can also go back and edit any previously published posts if needed.

To write a new post for your law firm’s website, click on the left column again under “add new.”

Law Firm Blog Blank Page

You’ve made it to your blank canvas.  From here it’s pretty intuitive: add your title at the top and the body of your post in the blank space in the middle.  When you’re finished, click the blue publish button in the top right corner.  If you want to stop writing and come back to the post at another time, click “Save Draft” at the top right corner, or “Preview” to see how the post would look on your firm’s website before actually publishing it.

What to Write About

If you’re trying improve your law firm’s SEO with your posts, you’ll want to write about those topics that you want to be searched for.  For example, most personal injury attorneys strive to be number one for “[city name] car accident lawyer.” You can write about the biggest accident areas in your city, or how your firm just won a judgment at the local courthouse.

Write about whatever you think your prospective clients will want to read.  “Best Advice if You’ve Been in a Car Accident,” “How Long Does Personal Injury Litigation Last,” and “What is Personal Injury Protection Insurance?” are all good topics for personal injury attorneys.

When you’re writing your post, keep in mind those search terms your law firm’s website is striving for.  These search terms are called “keywords,” and it’s a good idea to use them frequently in a post (although don’t overuse it; a few times per post should be enough).

Remember that SEO success is more like a marathon than a sprint.  Consistent posting will pay off down the road, even if it doesn’t shoot your firm to the top of Google overnight.  Make a habit of posting regularly instead of writing multiple posts in one week.  As long as you can keep to a routine, your firm’s website ranking will benefit.

Welcome to the world of law firm website development; now you can contribute!


What’s your advice for developing your law firm’s blog?  What’s your routine for posting regularly?  Please leave your feedback  in the comment section below.


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