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Social Media for Lawyers: 5 Untapped Sources for Law Firms

February 20, 2019

With the latest controversies surrounding Facebook and data privacy, you may be thinking that the social media boom is slowly coming to an end. However, while the number of users has declined gradually over the years, social media platforms still represent one of the best sources of traffic for any website. Naturally, that includes law firms and legal companies.

In this blog post, we will outline how you can use the power of social media to expand your outreach and receive more traffic. There is no need to write about Facebook or Instagram here, so we will focus on other, more underused social platforms where you can promote your law firm.

Keep reading to find out where you can get more traffic to your website.


If you’re not using the most popular platform for business professionals, you’re missing out on a ton of traffic. LinkedIn is not simply used to find jobs or employees.

LinkedIn is a social media platform where many lawyers are posting every day – and you should be doing the same. However, that doesn’t mean you should just share your content to LinkedIn. You should be trying to repurpose your content for your LinkedIn network.

In other words, you should rewrite or reformat your content.

One of the most popular methods to repurpose content is to create a video or infographic from a blog post on your company website. This will be beneficial in a number of ways, because you can use the same video or infographic on various platforms, including Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and Twitter.



Quora is arguably the largest untapped source of traffic for most websites.

To promote your law business on Quora, simply register on the platform and filter the questions for your particular niche. Browse through the answers and provide honest, valuable feedback on the problems that people post about. Try to link back to your website in your answers, but don’t force it.

If there is no place for the link in your reply, you can always link to your website in your profile. That alone should bring a fair share of traffic to your online law business. Provided that you provide genuine and useful answers to user queries, of course.


Yes, it’s true – Reddit is a powerful traffic source.

It contains subreddits on practically all subjects and you can always join the discussion and promote your content there. However, keep in mind that Reddit might not be the best fit for all law firms.

This largely depends on your brand profile. But the good thing about branding is that you can always rebrand, if your current brand isn’t providing satisfactory results.

In most cases, your law business will benefit from being more approachable and open to social media outlets like Reddit.

Just like with Quora, or any other social media platform, it’s essential that your profile is true and authentic. Don’t just use it to submit your content and promote your business. Participate in discussions, upvote or downvote other posts. If you can manage it, be an active member of the community.


Pinterest Law Firm

Similar to Reddit, Pinterest will require special content tailored for the specific nature of the platform. You can’t just write about your latest legal case and expect Pinterest users to flood your website.

You may be able to bring in a few visitors that way, but if you want to utilize the full power of Pinterest, you will need to create content that is far more engaging. This means you will need to create content that is fun, catchy and memorable.

Short image quotes work the best on Pinterest, but anything that is aesthetically pleasing and easily shareable will do the job as well.


Facebook and Twitter may have killed most forum communities, but there is a lot forums that are still completely functional and surprisingly popular.

To promote your law business on forums, you will need to find the active legal communities, such as The Law, Free Advice and Expert Law. Most of these forums will allow you to include a link to your website within your profile information or posts.

However, even if you cannot link directly, you can recommend your site as a useful resource. People will likely check it out, but if your content isn’t up to the highest standards, this will only bring short-term results.


We have listed the most underused platforms here, but that doesn’t mean that you should focus only on them. Don’t forget to promote your content on popular social media networks, such as Facebook and Twitter. Of course, it’s easier to attract visitors from the websites that we mentioned here because there is almost no competition, which makes them perfect for new websites.

However, keep in mind that Facebook alone outnumbers most other social media platforms in regards to the number of users. If you can get a fraction of Facebook users to visit your law firm, it alone may be enough to significantly increase your traffic volume.

Have you used any of the above social media platforms for your firm?  Did it bring in any new clients?  Please post your thoughts or feedback in the comments below.


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