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What Factors Are Considered in Content Marketing?

November 30, 2022
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Content matters for a website because these videos, images, text, and applications ultimately keep people engaged with your site, your law firm, and its services as a whole. Content is also essential from an SEO standpoint because it is how Google determines if your website is useful and authoritative. This directly impacts your ranking in search results.

There are specific factors that are considered in content marketing for a law firm. Having a strategy for creating and optimizing this information is important to ensure a return on your efforts.

Know What Kind of Content People Are Looking For

One of the biggest factors that is considered in content marketing is what kind of information people are looking for when they visit your site. If you craft a well-written and informative article on a personal injury law firm’s website about something completely unrelated, regardless of how high quality the content is, it will not be useful for your readers.

Providing content specifically for the people that you want to visit your site might be a fairly obvious concept. However, it goes beyond just focusing on the basic subjects that apply to your business and the most common questions people might have. You will also want to consider if the things you are providing information on are generally popular. Utilizing analytics is a good way to find out what keywords or terms people search for most.

For example, there will likely be people who are searching for extremely specific scenarios, such as the claims process for when an Uber driver fails to yield in bad weather conditions. However, there will be many more searching for broader things like how long a car wreck case process takes or if there is a motorcycle accident lawyer in their area. The best strategy is to create content for the most popular subjects first. As you publish more, you can branch out into addressing the questions people might ask less often.

Create High-Quality Content

Another consideration for online legal marketing is having good content that captures people’s attention. Some might believe that all content is good content. This is simply not the case. Generating a high volume of pages that do not mean anything, are difficult to comprehend, or do not make sense provides no value and will typically result in being penalized by Google with lower rankings. This will also deter visitors who may quickly leave the site and remove you from their list of potential resources.

In addition to being informative, you want these pages of copy to be visually attractive when they are published to your website. If the content appears as a plain page of text, even if the writing is optimal, people may not find it visually stimulating enough to want to engage or keep reading. Paragraphs should have good spacing and appropriately utilized headers and sections.

Enlist Our Help to Discover More About the Best Focus for Content Marketing

For more in-depth information on what factors you should consider for your law firm’s content marketing strategy, give us a call. We can provide you with guidance ranging from tips for finding the best office location to securing a domain name and other SEO basics. Let us help you optimize your business for success and growth.


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